What is an EnPI?
Energy Performance Indicator (EnPI) is a measure of energy intensity that is used to gauge the effectiveness of your energy management efforts.
EnPi’s example: Compressor efficiency
Compressor efficiency provides the right insight to improve compressor controls, make the best investment decisions, optimize maintenance management, and more.
Compressor efficiency (or compressor specific power) is the ratio of power-in to flow-out, with units of kW/100 scfm or kWh/100 m3.
How to measure compressor efficiency:
- Measure compressor input power using a 3 phase power meter with current transformers, for highly accurate measurements.
- Measure compressor discharge air flow using a flow meter. Use a flow meter that is designed for the wet and hot air conditions at the compressor output.
- Use the power input (kW) and the air flow out (100 scfm or 100 m3) to calculate the specific power ratio.
- Measuring mass flow, pressure, and temperature simultaneously can provide additional valuable diagnostic information.
Start today with our Compressor efficiency package
- 1 x 3 Phase Power Meter with 3 Current Transformers
- 1 x VPFlowScope DP to measure at the discharge of your compressor
VP Full Power Meter VPFlowscope DP
To find out more about our monitoring products, click here.
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